A Slimy Little Pile will be waiting for you just inside the door and will demand to know if you brought any Fly Honey. If you say yes he will let you pass through; if you say no he will make you fight. | |
When you open the door on the right of the top floor, you will probably see four zombies that will rush at you. Don't panic! They're not terribly tough. Don't be afraid to use PSI attacks, you'll be able to replenish your PP soon. You'll get some cool stuff out of the trash cans. | |
You will see Foppies, the little red things that look like walking tomatoes, running around everywhere. They'll gang up on you up to six at a time -- fight as many as you can! These things are pushovers and are great for exp. building. Take some time to build your levels up to 25 or so, it'll be a big help later. | |
Make sure you go into all the doors you find. Most of them contain valuable items in trash cans. Make sure you have the Broken laser and the HP-sucker before you leave the base. | |
There is a vital Butterfly point inside a door. After you walk past the conveyor belt with the Mr. Saturns, you'll see a tall ladder and a door. After going up the ladder and getting the good stuff atop it, go into the door. Enter and exit this room repeatedly and you will find Magic butterflies. | |
It won't be too long now until you find Master Belch. He'll greet you with a nice, aromatic BUUUUUURP! After he taunts you it'll be time to go! Make sure you use the Jar of Fly Honey immediately after the battle starts. If you don't, he'll be invincible! But if you do, he'll lose all his concentration and you can walk all over him. | |
Description: Damages an enemy when used during battle. Because of its explosive power, it may effect others besides the target creature. Gone after one use. | |
Buy Price: $148 Sell Price: $74 |
Can be used by any character.
Description: A broken laser gun. That genius Jeff should be able to fix it sometime. | |
Not For Sale |
Transforms into Laser Gun.
24 IQ required to fix. |
Description: When eaten, you recover about 60 HP. | |
Buy Price: $18 Sell Price: $9 |
HP Recovered: ~60 Poo HP Recovered: ~6 Goes well with the Sugar Packet. |
Description: Items for Jeff. Sucks up some HP from the target creature. The more HP an enemy has, the more you get. Can be used many times. | |
Buy Price: $800 Sell Price: $400 |
Description: It increases your IQ when taken. | |
Buy Price: $38 Sell Price: $19 |
Description: It increases your Vitality when taken. | |
Buy Price: $38 Sell Price: $19 |
Farm Zombie |
Foppy |
Mostly Bad Fly |
Slimy Little Pile |
Master Belch |