After you step outside of Pokey's house and it dawns in Onett, go back to your house and take a rest to re-energize. (The camera man will come down when you try to go back into your yard.) Your next destination should be the Library. Just follow the path down and right from Ness's house and you'll get there. Get the town map from the clerk, it's useful for reference and you can dump it in Escargo Express later if you don't want it.
Then go outside the library and just left to it, near the scuzzy-looking guy. There's a secret clubhouse there - you can just see the top of it poking out of the trees behind the library. Stand directly down from it and walk up through the trees and go in and talk to the kids. One of them will give you the Mr. Baseball Cap. Equip it.
Fight enemies around your house until you're at Level 4. You should also revisit Liar X. Agerate's while you're at it - he'll show you something important.
When you're to level 4, go home and call your dad. Once you have $130 in your ATM account, go into town, visit the drugstore (labeled 'SHOP' on the town map) and buy and equip the Tee Ball Bat (sell the Cracked Bat after you do) and the Cheap Bracelet.
Now you're ready to fight the Sharks south of the drugstore. They're tough at low levels when they gang up on you, so try to fight only one at a time. If you approach two or three hanging around together, inch toward them and as soon as the first one starts chasing, run a full screen away and then turn and fight it. You should be able to fight it alone. Once you're at around Level 6 you can start fighting multiple Sharks at once.
You should stockpile five or six Hamburgers (you'll get them from Pogo Punks). You'll need them later. If you start to get more burgers than that, start eating them to recover HP. Don't be afraid to use Lifeup whenever your HP goes below 30 or so. When you run out of PP, go home and rest to get it restored. You want to be at level 8 when you fight Frank.
When your level is high enough (Level 7 or 8 is best, but 6 is fine too), go into the arcade and fight the Sharks in there. Talk to the one guarding the door and say "No" to his question. He'll fight you. After you've beaten him, eat Hamburgers to replenish your HP and then go through the door he was guarding. Now it's time to fight Frank.
Level 8 or Higher: One PSI Rockin' α should do the trick. If not, Bash him a few times and he'll croak.
Level 6 or 7: Bash early and often. Don't bother with Hypnosis. Heal yourself when your HP goes below 40. His knife attack can deal up to 40 HP damage.
Below Level 6: You're not ready to fight Frank yet. Level up at least to 6 and preferably to 8.
After you beat Frank, you'll have to fight Frankystein Mark II. If you have enough PP, use PSI Rockin α right away. He'll waste his first turn generating steam and then every other round after that. With the other rounds, he'll either throw a punch (10-20 HP damage) or tear into you (30-45 HP damage). So keep your HP over 45. Use the fact that you know he'll waste his attacks to your advantage.
After you defeat Frank, a nice, fast way to rest yourself up (just like a hotel or home) is to talk to him behind the arcade. He'll offer to let you rest and you'll be revitalized! Too bad everyone isn't a good loser like he is.