First, don't buy Paula anything. Equip Ness and Jeff with Gold Bracelets and Coins of Defense. Load Jeff up with Big Bottle Rockets, and load Ness full of Teddy Bears. You'll need them soon. Also, if Paula has the Franklin Badge, give it to Ness or Jeff. When you're done shopping, you can leave the store... or can you? As you try to leave, the lights go out, an alien runs by, and suddenly Paula is gone! What's that voice over the loudspeaker?
You really don't have a choice so start making your way up the stairs. On the way you will meet some of the most dangerous enemies in EarthBound. If you are attacked by more than one enemy at once, fire off a Big bottle rocket to take care of one of them. Make SURE you keep at least one Big bottle rocket in Jeff's inventory for the coming boss battle.
When you reach the back room on the 4th floor, you'll have to fight the Dept. Store Spook. Fire a Big bottle rocket at him and use PSI special beta immediately. If that's not enough to take him out, keep up the offensive with your best attacks. You must kill this enemy fast or it will kill you.
After you defeat the Spook, it will grudgingly tell you about Paula, but the only information you can get about her is the word "Monotoli". It sounds like you better go investigate. Nothing's going on at the Monotoli building... so why don't you go to the cafe and see if anyone knows anything?