After you've rescued and equipped Paula, it's time to check out that cave near the drugstore that contains the "anti-blue" place the fellow standing near it mentions. This place is actually the location of the second of the eight "Your Sanctuary" locations. Go rest up at the hotel (it's free after you knock off Carpainter!) and then go ahead and plunge in.
Paula is extremely weak when you first rescue her. You'll need to build her levels. When you first step inside the cave to the Lilliput Steps and walk up, you should encounter a Mole Playing Rough. If you don't, exit the cave and re-enter again until you do. Fight this enemy repeatedly (exit and re-enter after each fight) until you've built Paula up to level 8 or so. Otherwise, Paula runs the risk of being killed when you fight stronger enemies.
The path branches off early on in the expedition, making you choose to go down or left. Go down first and you will find the Great Charm. Unlike the Travel Charm, it increases your speed by 5 when you equip it, plus it increases your defense by 1, so it's worth eqipping. Equip it on Paula since she needs all the defensive help she can get.
There's a special butterfly spot here similar to the one at Giant Step. After you reach the right side of the cave and then go up and left, you'll reach a clearing. There might be a Magic Butterfly there. If there isn't, go back about a screen's length and then return and try again. You can use this method to get as many butterflies as you want. Cast Lifeup to recover everyone's HP, get the butterfly to restore 20 PP, and repeat as needed.
When you find the Shining Spot that marks the Sanctuary Boss, take a moment and recover your HP with food or PSI lifeup, and then go ahead and mix it up. Of course, you can fight Mondo Mole the hard way, but why bother? Use PSI Paralysis on your first turn to render him helpless, and you can defeat him easily.
After you defeat Mondo Mole and collect the second melody, return to Happy Happy Village, fighting all the enemies you see (they'll run away, giving you a surprise opening attack) to build experience, and then head back to Twoson. The enemies in the Peaceful Rest Valley will be much easier to defeat now (but still stay away from the trees), and a man has repaired the broken bridge, making it much easier to get through the valley.