Location: Saturn Valley

Maps: Map 1, Map 2

Turn the Zexonyte over to the Doc. He'll tell you to rest for a while. Sleep at the hotel, and the following day the Phase Distorter will be ready to go. But don't leave just yet! If you go to the Store, the Mr. Saturns have some new items waiting for you. Also, their Piggy Jelly gives 300 HP back to Ness, Paula or Jeff (but not Poo, as usual). Piggy Jelly is the coolest item name ever created. Mmmm, Piggy Jelly!

Once you're stocked and ready to go, head into the Phase Distorter II. THIS IS THE POINT OF NO RETURN, so make sure you're comfortable with your equipment and inventory.

It's recommended that you stock up on Brain Food Lunches in Dalaam, Multi Bottle Rockets in Deep Darkness, and Super Plush Bears in Summers. When you're ready, step into the Phase Distorter, and you'll be transported to a far off place.

You'll find yourself in the strange cave you saw in the Lost Underworld. As soon as you walk forward, the Star Master appears from the sky with a gift for Poo - PSI Starstorm Ω. He'll then leave you, and you have nothing left to do but walk around for a while. You'll find the Mr. Saturn that Pokey kidnapped in the corner beside some rubble. Talk to him and he'll tell you that Pokey ran off.

Check the rubble of the broken Phase Distorter while you're here. You'll find a helpful item.

After a little while, another Phase Distorter will appear, this time with Dr. Andonuts, Apple Kid, and a Mr. Saturn on board. They tell you that this one is the Phase Distorter III, which can not only travel through space, but also time. Unfortunately, organic matter is destroyed during the process. So, Ness and company need to be transferred into robotic bodies to travel back in time to stop Giygas. There's really no way around it.

After the procedure, the group will be inside the Phase Distorter III. With a few last words of encouragement from Dr. Andonuts, the group departs for their final battle.

Horn of Life
Description: Revives a friend who is unconscious. In addition, it also works well on poison, nausea, colds, sunstroke, falling asleep, uncontrollable crying, and feeling strange. This is effective when you have paralysis, or when you have been diamondized.
Buy Price: $1780
Sell Price: $890

Saturn Valley Shop
Insecticide Spray $19
Stag Beetle $8
Refreshing Herb $80
Peanut Cheese Bar $22
Horn of Life $1780
Secret Herb $380
Picture Postcard $2
Bionic Slingshot $449
Travel Charm $60
Great Charm $400
Silver Bracelet $599
Red Ribbon $179

Saturn Valley After Magicant
Flame Pendant $3000
Rain Pendant $3000
Night Pendant $3000
Piggy Jelly $222

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