This is the realm of the Tendas. When you first arrive here, it'll seem like you've reached a dead end. None of the Tendas will talk to you because they're too shy, except for one Tenda near a large boulder. He'll tell you he's the only Tenda in the village who isn't shy, and also that there's one Tenda strong enough to lift the boulder blocking your way. However, he won't lift the boulder until he gets over his shyness problem. Hmm...
There isn't much you can do here now. Speak to the Chief Tenda(he's the guy in the center of the village, and he has horns) and he'll mumble something about a book that can supposedly overcome shyness. Yet, he doesn't know where it is...
There are three more things to note here. First, there's a hot spring. This acts just like the hot springs in Saturn Valley. Step in, and pretty soon your status ailments will be cured.
Also, there's an inn here. Speak to one of the Tendas near a cave entrance and he will let you stay for free.
Lastly, south of the entrance is a place designated for "Weird Junk". You can use the telephone to save your game, but also be sure to check the trash can. It contains a Death Ray, one of Jeff's weapons.
Since there's nothing much else to do here, head back out. You'll get a call on your reciever phone from the Apple Kid. He'll tell you that he's now in Winters, that Dr. Andonuts is nowhere to be found, and that he's working on his Eraser Eraser device. Suddenly, there's commotion on the other end of the line! Someone is attacking the Apple Kid! The line goes dead.
You'll get another call immediately after. It's the Orange Kid this time. He'll tell you that Apple Kid's gone missing, and he'll mention a book that Apple Kid has borrowed from the library, a book called "Overcoming Shyness." Sounds like it might be useful, right? You'll have to go rescue the Apple Kid to get it, though. Once the Orange Kid hangs up, use Teleport to travel to Winters.