The final battle begins. Giegue will rise from the ship and confront you. As it's the final battle, don't skip on using items to recover and such. The first thing to do to stabilize your characters, however, is to have Ninten cast PSI Shield B. This will cut all damage by a half during the whole fight. (Power Shield will not work in the battle, by the way)
Giegue will furiously barrage you with inexplicable attacks while he reveals his story to you. No matter what you do, you cannot defeat him by force, so have everyone guard at all times unless they're healing. Lifeup Pi and Omega work wonders here, but the latter is fairly expensive PP-wise. Rotate between Ninten and Ana healing and use LifeUp Creams to conserve PP.
Eventually Giegue will tell Ninten to board the mothership and join the rest of the humans he already has. Of course, you'll decline, but at this point, Giegue will stop talking and just relentlessly attack instead. Now's your time to fight back!
If you haven't noticed in the cave or during the battle already, all three of your characters now have a new option in their menus: SING. Use this to sing Maria's song to Giegue. Unable to take the love in his heart, Giegue will weaken, attacking you to cease the song. Keep at it, though: each time you Sing, you'll get more of the song out. Alternate between healing and singing.
On the eleventh time you Sing to Giegue, he will become silent and admit defeat. He'll curse your name and your people, and wonder how it is that a little ditty has destroyed his valor and powers. Congrats! You've just completed Mother 1!