Emerging from the caves, you'll appear on top of a large cliff. Whew! You may find it fine to relax a bit now that you're out of that network of battles, but you shouldn't get too comfortable yet.
The enemies here are amazingly tough. Be especially wary of Grizzly Bears. Not only do they have a super-high strength, but their normal attacks are continuous and they have the ability to dish out unbelievably hard-hitting Last Blows. Run from these beasts or PK Beam r them, and don't be ashamed if you have to flee to revive a party member.
Titanians are less strong for attack, true, but their defenses are nigh impenetrable, and they can easily confuse you or use Stone of Origins to petrify you. If you must fight them, use high-level PSI and be ready to heal. Their defenses can be penetrated, though, if you can manage to get a SMAAAASH attack on one.
There's some relief, however: Rockoyles, Gargoyles, and Megaborgs. They have managable stats, usually falling if both Ninten and Teddy get a hit on them. Ana can hold her own as well, and don't be afraid to unleash furious PSI to dispel them, as Cerebrums are in the area too, becoming PSI fuel tanks through PSI Magnet. Don't let your guard down, though, as they can attack with some brutal PSI, too.
After a short walk (seeming long because of the difficult battles), you'll come upon a house. This is your last haven on Mt. Itoi.
Inside is a Healer who will instantly heal your entire party and a phone. The Healer is highly appreciated, and this becomes an ideal rest stop on the long climb to the peak of Mt. Itoi. Be careful, though: Approaching the door on the left activates a cutscene that can change your party.
Free healing and new enemies...this becomes a great place to level up! While it may seem tough to face such brutal foes, Ana's PK Beam r decimates most foes, so mixing that with Ninten's defensive PSI and the Healer's unlimited supply of PP makes for some standard levelling. It's recommended to get Ninten to at least level 35 so he can learn Super Healing.
When you're ready to continue, head through the door to the left in the Healer's house. Teddy will leave you temporarily to make some phone calls.
Ana will surprise Ninten with her feelings towards him. Answer back truthfully and the two will dance with each other passionately to some romantic music.
After a while, Teddy will come into the room and retrieve you. He'll tell you about some weird noises he hears outside. As you try to leave, you'll get into a battle with an old, yet upgraded, foe.
Without your tank, the huge robot R7038 wreaks havoc on your party, instantly killing them. Don't worry about putting shields up and taking a defensive stance, as the damage will be so high that it doesn't matter.
Right when your party looks doomed, Loid will come by and destroy the robot in a single firing of the cannon! The only problem is his accuracy -- he'll blast you as well. Loading you in his tank, he takes you all to the base of Mt. Itoi to see the doctor.