Location: Dusty Dunes Desert - Monkey Caves

Maps: Map 1, Map 2

After you smash the Evil Mani-Mani statue, you'll find yourself in the back storeroom of the Cafe with the pieces of the statue and a mouse. It seems the Mani-Mani statue had created the illusion of Moonside. In any case, you might as well leave.

As soon as you step back into reality, the phone will ring. It will be Apple Kid calling to inform you of his newest invention. What good will a Trout Yogurt Machine do you, anyway? After he hangs up, head outside to collect it.

As soon as you step outside, a monkey will tell you that Talah Rama is waiting for you in the Dusty Dunes Desert. Then the Escargo Express man will stop by to kindly inform you that he lost the Yogurt Dispenser, and then a maid of Monotoli's will tell you that she really really NEEDS the dispenser. How conveniently inconvenient!

Take the bus back to the Dusty Dunes Desert. It will leave you off at the drugstore; go into the drugstore and buy a Picnic Lunch and a Skip Sandwich. Sell off any other excess food items; you need inventory space. Call Escargo and get the Pencil Eraser. You'll need it.

Consult the map for details on where exactly you can find the stuff that the monkeys ask for. Generally, you'll find the item a monkey wants within a couple of rooms of that particular monkey.

Behind the monkey that asks for a Picnic Lunch, you'll find a Pizza. Make SURE you continue to the next room and give the Pizza to the female monkey (Monkanna). There will be another Pizza behind her. If you give the Pizza to the wrong monkey, you'll have to go outside and call Mach Pizza.

To get to Talah Rama, you'll need to find the King Banana (follow the map to where you get it) and give it to the monkey that asks for it. You will then have to erase a Pencil Statue to get to the room where Talah Rama awaits.

Talah Rama will tell you more about your fate and will also hand over the Yogurt Dispenser that the maid wants. Make sure you open the two chests and speak to the monkey. The monkey will direct you to meet him outside.

Before you leave, there are some valuable items you should get -- namely, the Flame Pendant, the Broken Tube, the Neutralizer, and the Bag of Dragonite. You should have a surplus of Hamburgers when you reach Talah Rama. There are two twin monkeys in the cave that will ask for hamburgers. Behind them are two of these valuable items.

Also, next to the monkey that asks for the King Banana is another monkey that asks for a Hamburger. Behind this monkey you'll find another monkey that will give you a valuable Bag of Dragonite. Hang onto this item; it will come in handy for a later boss battle.

Getting the Neutralizer is trickier. There is a monkey that will give you a fresh egg, and you have to get the egg to another monkey before it hatches into a Chick. Check the map and make sure you know which path to take, and then get the Egg and book it!

Outside the cave you'll meet the monkey you saw earlier. Follow it to the road and it will teach you the vital skill of PSI Teleport. No more riding the buses! Hooray!

A cool thing to do when you learn PSI Teleport is to teleport to Winters. At the drugstore, they sell valuable weapons that will come in handy in the upcoming battles. Buy a T-Rex's Bat and a Non-stick Frypan (which you can equip on Paula after you rescue her).

Now that you have all the good stuff, it's time to head back to Fourside. Call Escargo first and dump the Pencil Eraser and the Dragonite, and any other excess items you might have, and then teleport to Fourside.

Bag of Dragonite
Description: If you sprinkle the powder on one of your friends during battle, that friend turns into a dragon and attacks all enemies. Gone after one use.
Buy Price: $1000
Sell Price: $500

Broken Tube
Description: A broken tube-shaped item. That genius Jeff should be able to fix it sometime.
Not For Sale
Transforms into Hungry HP-Sucker.
36 IQ required to fix.
Flame Pendant
Description: Must be equipped on your body. It protects you from fire attacks.
Buy Price: $3000
Sell Price: $1500
Defense +15
Description: When eaten, you recover about 50 HP. 100% beef.
Buy Price: $14
Sell Price: $7
HP Recovered: ~48
Poo HP Recovered: ~6
Goes well with the Ketchup Packet.
Description: Items for Jeff. When used during battle, this item resets the abilities of all creatures (friend or enemy) to their normal levels. Any changes that had taken place due to PSI and such is neutralized. It also neutralizes all shields (friend or enemy) that were in effect. (Remember, the abilities that I am talking about are Offense, Defense, Guts, etc.)
Not For Sale

Picnic Lunch
Description: When eaten, you recover about 80 HP. There's even a slice of your favorite cake!
Buy Price: $24
Sell Price: $12
HP Recovered: ~84
Poo HP Recovered: ~6
Goes well with the Salt Packet.
Description: When eaten, you recover about 120 HP.
Buy Price: $48
Sell Price: $24
HP Recovered: ~120
Poo HP Recovered: ~6
Goes well with the Jar of hot sauce.
Protein Drink
Description: For building a stronger, healthier body. It gives you a blast of nourishment when you are fatigued.
Buy Price: $38
Sell Price: $19
HP Recovered: ~84
Poo HP Recovered: ~6
Description: You can even use this during battle! Can be used many times.
Buy Price: $2
Sell Price: $1

Wet Towel
Description: It's great for those times that you get sunstroke.
Buy Price: $24
Sell Price: $12

Yogurt Dispenser
Description: Items for Jeff. Invented by Apple Kid. If used during combat, some damage will be dealt to the enemy, Though it's not understood why this happens... it's just yogurt after all... Can be used many times.
Not For Sale


Struttin' Evil Mushroom (2)
Mushroomization spreads from this 'shroom like the plague from rats. Be careful!
Rust Promoter (8/128 chance)

More Detailed Info Here

Tough Mobile Sprout
Tough by nature, but not tough against nature's climate controls of Fire and Freeze.
Sprig of Parsley (8/128 chance)

More Detailed Info Here

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