If you speak to the people around town, you'll hear stuff about a pyramid south of Scaraba. It's worth a look.
Behind Hassan's Shop you'll find a man sitting atop a rope. Climb up and speak to him. He'll tell you about a giant tower in the desert, and he'll try to give you the key to it. Surprise! He doesn't have the key anymore. Oh well. Time to head out into the desert.
As soon as you leave town, you'll begin to sweat. Keep moving and continuously check your status screen, because it's pretty easy to develop heat stroke in this area. If you get heat stroke, heal it with PSI Healing α.
The Master Criminal Worm lives in the desert south of Scaraba. Like the Criminal Caterpillar, this fellow will give you tons of experience points... if you can catch it. The same trick that worked for the Criminal Caterpillar applies here too. The enemies here are a bit more annoying than they were in the Dusty Dunes, so hunt at your own risk. The worm mostly hangs around just below the gates that connect the town to the desert.
Head south until you come to a river next to some pyramids. It's alright to avoid the enemies on your way here, since they're pretty annoying, but it shouldn't take long to traverse the desert. Round the pyramids until you come to a large pyramid with a Sphinx in front of it. Before the Sphinx is an odd-looking platform with 5 buttons. Seem familiar?
Whip out the Hieroglyph Copy you got from the guard in the Summers Cultural Museum. At the end of the copy you'll find a strange numbered diagram.
This is actually the order in which you press the buttons. Step on the top button and the Sphinx will speak, asking you to decide who you really are. Follow the pattern and end with touching the top button again. The Sphinx will then grant you access to the pyramid. Be prepared for another one of those tough dungeons.