So, you saved the cloudy fate of a mother bird and her chick, huh? Well, now seems to be a great time to check out the problems in the nearby cemetery. As you walk closer to the site, the townspeople get more and more careful who you talk to, or you may find yourself in a battle!
There's a ways to walk when trying to find the cemetery, but after a while you'll find a brick wall with a passage through it. Inside (and a little outside) lie many ghastly foes, so keep your wits about you. The graveyard isn't terribly long, but it doesn't hurt to conserve PSI for backup healing.
Moving counter-clockwise around the inside perimeter of the cemetery, you'll eventually stumble upon this formation of large gravestones. Hop into the passage and decend into the crypt.
Deep inside you'll stumble upon 4 quivering coffins. Zombies lie in 3 of the four, but if you're persistent, you'll find the long lost child, Pippi!
She'll be so happy to see you that she'll bestow to you a great treasure -- the Franklin Badge! Its use is a bit different in EB0, as it only reflects one kind of attack (PK Beam r), but it becomes VERY important, so keep it on your person always!
Pippi now joins your party. You have a couple of options open before you: You can return Pippi immediately or keep her with you to ease battles for a little bit. It's highly helpful to have her around for a little bit, as she has superb stat bonuses on levelling up and quickly passes Ninten in terms of offense and defense. Equip a Slingshot from the store to make her already lucridous Offense higher.
When you see fit to have her leave you, go visit the Mayor once more. He'll give you a cool hundred and ask you to do one more favor: calm the problems at the local Zoo.
The animals have escaped and are making quite the ruckus, so be sure to pick up the key to the Zoo from Abbott before you leave.